首页(Home) > 服务地区(Service area) > 【大洋洲】大师在线看风水(Oceania Masters Watch Feng Shui Online)
Oceania Masters Watch Feng Shui Online
Comprend Nouvelle - Zélande, Papouasie - Nouvelle - Guinée, Îles Salomon, Îles Marshall, Kiribati, Vanuatu, Micronésie, Tuvalu, Samoa, Palau, Nauru, Fidji, Tonga, Australie Masters See Feng Shui Onlin
Including New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Vanuatu, Micronesia, Tuvalu, Samoa, Palau, Nauru, Fiji, Tonga, and Australian masters watching feng shui online

【大洋洲】大师在线看风水|【大洋洲】大師線上看風水|【 Oceania 】 Master watches Feng Shui online




Based in China and serving the world, it is a top-notch online feng shui platform. Not only does it provide accurate online feng shui and geographical layout, but it also offers on-site feng shui survey services from all over the world!
The De Yi Tang Feng Shui Kanyu team is composed of multiple Yi Xue Feng Shui masters, specializing in the research, planning, and Kanyu services of ancient Chinese Yi Xue culture and modern living environment.

The chief feng shui master of the team, Li Jiuyi, is renowned worldwide, and his feng shui works are spread across dozens of countries around the world, earning the trust of his benefactor.

Online Feng Shui Hotlines for Masters in Oceania: 15523151555, 13012364499 (same WeChat account)

Including New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Vanuatu, Micronesia, Tuvalu, Samoa, Palau, Nauru, Fiji, Tonga, and Australian masters watching feng shui online

中文 / 英文 / 法文

澳大利亚 / Australia / (la) Australie风水大师在线看风水

密克罗尼西亚 / Micronesia / (la) Micronésie(或:密克罗尼西亚联邦 / Federated States of Micronesia / (les) États fédérés de Micronésie)风水大师在线看风水

斐济 / Fiji / (las) Fidji风水大师在线看风水

基里巴斯 / Kiribati / (las / le) Kiribati(IPA:/ki.ʁi.ba.ti/, /ki.ʁi.bas/)风水大师在线看风水

马绍尔群岛 / Marshall Islands / (las) Îles Marshall风水大师在线看风水

瑙鲁 / Nauru / (le) Nauru(IPA:/nau.ʁu/)风水大师在线看风水

新西兰(纽西兰 [部分地区、方言]) / New Zealand / (la) Nouvelle-Zélande风水大师在线看风水

帕劳 / Palau / (las) Palaos(IPA:/pa.la.o/)风水大师在线看风水

巴布亚新几内亚 / Papua New Guinea / (la) Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée风水大师在线看风水

萨摩亚 / Samoa / (las) Samoa(IPA:/sa.mo.a/)风水大师在线看风水

所罗门群岛 / Solomon Islands / (les) Îles Salomon风水大师在线看风水

汤加 / Tonga / (las, le) Tonga风水大师在线看风水

图瓦卢 / Tuvalu / (las, le) Tuvalu(IPA:/tu.va.lu/)风水大师在线看风水

瓦努阿图 / Vanuatu / (le) Vanuatu, Vanouatou(IPA:/va.nu.a.tu/)风水大师在线看风水


Australia/(la) Australian Feng Shui Masters Watch Feng Shui Online

Micronesia/Micronesia/(la) Micron é sie (or: Federated States of Micronesia/(les) É tats f é d é r é s de Micron é sie) Feng Shui Masters Watch Feng Shui Online

Fiji/(las) Fidji Feng Shui Masters Watch Feng Shui Online

Kiribati (IPA:/ki) ʁ i. Ba. ti/,/ki ʁ i. Bas/) Feng Shui Masters Watch Feng Shui Online

Marshall Islands/(las) Î les Marshall Feng Shui Master Watch Feng Shui Online

Nauru/Nauru/(le) Nauru (IPA:/nau ʁ U/) Feng Shui masters watch Feng Shui online

New Zealand (some regions and dialects)/New Zealand/(la) Novelle-Z é lande Feng Shui Masters Watch Feng Shui Online

Palau/(las) Palaos (IPA:/pa. la. o/) Feng Shui Masters Watch Feng Shui Online

Papua New Guinea/Papaa New Guinea/(la) Papauasie Nouvelle Guin é e Feng Shui Master Watch Feng Shui Online

Samoa/(las) Samoa (IPA:/sa. mo.a/) Feng Shui Masters Watch Feng Shui Online

Solomon Islands/(les) Î les Salomon Feng Shui Master Watch Feng Shui Online

Tonga/Tonga/(las, le) Tonga Feng Shui Masters Watch Feng Shui Online

Tuvalu/Tuvalu/(las, le) Tuvalu (IPA:/tu. va. lu/) Feng Shui Masters Watch Feng Shui Online

Vanuatu/Vanuatu/(le) Vanuatu, Vanuatou (IPA:/va. nu. a. tu/) Feng Shui Masters Watch Feng Shui Online

德易堂在线风水堪舆团队是由多位易学风水大师组成,专业从事中国易学古文化与现代人居环境研究、 规划、堪舆,主要服务华人血统、注重中华传统文化的福主。 易学大师远程风水策划 风水师视频看风 水 国学大师卫星定位看风水 风水大师在线风水布局
Deyitang Online Geomantic Omen team is composed of a number of geomantic omen masters,specializing in the research, planning and geomantic omen of ancient Chinese culture and modern human settlement environment, mainly serving Chinese ancestry and focusing on the blessings of traditional Chinese culture.Easy learning master remote Feng shui planning Feng shui master video See Feng Shui Chinese masters satellite positioning see Feng Shui Feng Shui master online feng shui layout