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来源:德易堂(全球)风水在线服务网 时间:2024-06-21


Li Jiuyi, Chief Feng Shui Master of De Yi Tang: "Seven Taboos" of Feng Shui in Living Room Decoration

1. The living room should not be decorated in a dark manner

The first element of feng shui in living room decoration is sufficient lighting, so it is advisable not to place too many dense potted plants on the balcony to avoid blocking the light. A bright living room can bring strong family luck, so it is not advisable to choose a too dark color tone for the living room wall.

2. The living room floor should not be uneven

The living room floor should be flat and should not have too many steps or create differences in height. Some living rooms adopt a high and low level partition design, which causes significant changes in the height of the floor, so home luck may also be more bumpy due to the undulation of the floor.

3. The living room cannot be used as a moving line

The living room is a gathering place for vitality, and stability should be required. The living room should not be planned within the flow line, causing people to move too frequently. The living room is located in the flow line of the passage, which can easily cause interference during family gatherings or guest visits. Otherwise, it will affect the career and interpersonal relationships of the homeowner.

4. The door cannot face the elevator directly

The entrance of a building should not face the elevator door directly, as it can cause adverse financial luck and make residents susceptible to illness.

5. The main door cannot be directly facing the window, back door, or toilet decoration

The door and window are the openings for the flow of qi into and out of the house. The main door should not be connected in a straight line with the window or back door, forming a front and rear door that passes through the hall and prevents qi from gathering inside the house. Therefore, wealth cannot be gathered, so it is called returning wealth. Toilets provide a space for people to excrete and are not inherently clean, so the door should not be directly facing the toilet. Directly facing the toilet through the door can lead to mistakes in financial investment, causing people's wealth to flow in and out, and damaging the financial fortune of their families.

6. The living room should not hang wild animal pictures randomly

Halls, such as hanging flowers, plants, mountains and rivers, or auspicious animals such as fish, birds, horses, white cranes, and phoenixes, are usually less taboo. But if you have a hobby of hanging beasts such as dragons, tigers, and eagles, you need to pay special attention to placing the head of the beast in the painting facing outward to form a defensive pattern. Do not threaten yourself with the head of the beast facing inward, otherwise it may bring unexpected disasters to your family.

7. The living room should not be filled with antiques, miscellaneous items, or decorations

If the living room is filled with antiques, miscellaneous items, and decorations, it is easy to accumulate dust, affect the smooth airflow, and of course, it is easy to cause poor qi and blood flow, leading to health decline.

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