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来源:德易堂(全球)风水在线服务网 时间:2024-06-21


Indonesian Feng Shui Master Li Jiuyi: What are the precautions for company and office Feng Shui?

1. The company is surrounded by strong yin energy

A good feng shui magnetic field has sufficient yang energy. If there are places with strong yin energy around, it is easy to bring some evil energy, such as funeral homes, cemeteries, and so on. Therefore, the company's site selection needs to be carefully considered, and it is advisable to choose a place with strong popularity and the center of the commercial circle.

2. Company Gate Selection

The company's entrance is the main gas outlet, and the orientation of the entrance is very important. It is best to determine the orientation of the entrance based on the boss's destiny. For example, the preferred orientation for "Yang Ming Huo Xiang Ren" is southwest, so southwest can be used as the orientation for the entrance, laying a good feng shui foundation for the company.

3. The company is too dirty and messy

A clean and tidy work environment can make employees feel relaxed, while a poor environment can make employees feel depressed and affect their physical health. Over time, the vitality of the company gradually decreases, and vitality is difficult to see. How can we talk about having a promising future with full momentum. Therefore, keeping employees in a clean and tidy work environment is beneficial for the development of the company.

4、 公司横梁过多
4. Excessive company beams

One of the taboos of feng shui is not to have too many horizontal beams. If a company has too many horizontal beams, it will give employees a feeling of oppression, causing them to become very nervous and even depressed. Various diseases may occur, and if the staff's physical and mental state is not good, the company will naturally be unable to operate normally, and the company's financial luck will become worse and worse. Therefore, if you want a company to make money, it's best not to have too many roof beams. If this phenomenon already exists, feng shui methods should be used to resolve it.

5. Surrounded by Chongsha

Attention should be paid to the surrounding environment of the office. There should not be any "negative energy" in front of the office door, such as rushing, piercing, probing, or sharp corners. These "negative energy" can have an impact on the health of employees and make it difficult for the company to unite and retain talents.

If there is a main road directly in front of the office building where the office is located, or if there are electric poles, transformers, large chimneys, or sharp corners of the building facing the door or window, it is called "Chongsha".

The feng shui of the office desk facing the door is not good, and it is easy to be affected by the airflow of the door, which can worsen one's physical condition. In addition, there is a large flow of people entering and exiting the door, making it easy for people to be disturbed by the outside world. It is easy to make mistakes during work, which can affect one's overall work progress; The office desk is facing a pillar, which can hinder luck; Facing the bathroom or facing the door, the unpleasant smell and people coming and going can easily lead to mental relaxation, which is not conducive to your feng shui and is a bad evil energy.

6. Not having feng shui items in the office is not good

No matter how strong your personal abilities may be, many times we still cannot do without good luck to help. If your office feng shui is not very good, then naturally we need to find some ways to improve it, and placing feng shui items is the most convenient and effective choice. Therefore, when you are in an office environment with poor feng shui, you can choose a feng shui mascot that conforms to your own destiny to enhance your luck. For specific details, please consult a feng shui master

Feng Shui is a tool for regulating good or bad luck. When it is good, adjusting Feng Shui can bring good luck; When it's not good, it can reduce its harm, and these effects are still obvious and practical! Suggest finding authoritative and professional feng shui masters to guide environmental adjustments and layout.

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