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来源:德易堂(全球)风水在线服务网 时间:2024-06-21


Li Jiuyi, a Famous Feng Shui Master at Deyi Hall: The "Six Yis" of Feng Shui in Living Room Decoration

1. Opening the door from the left is auspicious

Left Qinglong and Right White Tiger are suitable for moving, while White Tiger is suitable for being quiet on the right. Therefore, all doors should be opened from the left for good luck, meaning that people should move from the inside out and the door handle should be set on the left. If the door is opened upside down, it can easily cause family disputes.

2. The entrance and living room should be designed with a roundabout style and avoid direct thrusts

The key to feng shui in the home decoration of the foyer is to avoid direct confrontation and prefer to turn around. A foyer or low cabinet should be set up between the main entrance and the living room to provide a buffer for the inside and outside, allowing for the flow of energy and gathering in the living room. The interior of the residence should also be hidden, making it difficult to peek outside. The hidden interior of a residence symbolizes the continuity of good fortune.

3. The living room should be located at the front of the house

After entering the main entrance, you should see the living room, followed by a bedroom, kitchen, and other spaces behind the house. The configuration of space utilization is reversed, and the living room is mistakenly set at the rear, which can cause a pattern of financial decline and easily lead to a decline in financial luck.

4. The residence is located diagonally opposite the main entrance

A prosperous living space is usually in the living room, and its primary condition is tranquility and stability. It cannot be the flow line of the passage. Generally speaking, a prosperous space is located diagonally opposite the entrance to the living room. Since prosperity often occurs at the diagonal corners of the main entrance, it is not advisable to hang mirrors as they can have a reflective effect and easily hinder the fortune of family members, leading to poor financial luck and loss of opportunities. It is best to place a mascot that can promote good luck, and the most suitable method is to plant broad-leaved green plants with vitality.

5. If there are beams crossing the living room, they should be covered with decoration

If there is a beam on the ceiling of the living room, it will create a feeling of oppression. Sitting under the beam can cause mental tension, leading to poor luck. The beam should be quickly covered in the ceiling of the mezzanine.

6. The living room should use more circular shaped decorations

The living room is a place where family and friends gather, and it is most important to create a lively and harmonious atmosphere. The circular shape belongs to the yang and is a dynamic symbol. The circular lighting, ceiling design, and decorations have a guiding warm and lively atmosphere.

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