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来源:德易堂(全球)风水在线服务网 时间:2024-07-02

Li Jiuyi, Chief Feng Shui Master of Deyi Hall: Don't put these four things on the living room coffee table!


1、 Why can't sharp tools be placed?

On the coffee table, we often see some household small tools, but sharp tools such as scissors and knives are absolutely not allowed to appear. Li Jiuyi, the chief feng shui master of De Yi Tang, kindly reminds that sharp objects can form "evil energy" and have a negative impact on the health and harmony of family members. Imagine when family members gather around the coffee table, these sharp objects are like invisible spikes that can easily disrupt the harmonious atmosphere.

2、 Can valuable items be placed on the coffee table?

Many people like to display their valuable items, such as jewelry, on the coffee table. However, this is a big taboo! Valuable items can easily attract the attention and jealousy of others. Li Jiuyi, the chief feng shui master of Deyi Hall, kindly reminds us that, more importantly, from a feng shui perspective, doing so can easily "scatter wealth". For the sake of family harmony and financial luck, it's better to keep these treasures properly.

3、 Is it suitable to put green plants on the coffee table?

Green plants can indeed bring vitality and energy to homes, but caution should be exercised when placing them on the coffee table. The area of the coffee table is limited, and potted plants are easily knocked over, causing unnecessary trouble. Li Jiuyi, the chief feng shui master of Deyitang, kindly reminds that excessive plants can lead to moisture accumulation and affect the atmosphere around the coffee table. For the health of your family, it's better to place the green plants in other more suitable locations.

4、 Can an electric kettle be placed on the coffee table?

Although electric kettles have brought great convenience to our lives, they are not suitable for placing on coffee tables. Li Jiuyi, the chief feng shui master of Deyitang, kindly reminds that as an electrical appliance, electric kettles can generate a magnetic field during operation, interfering with the surrounding atmosphere. To maintain harmony and gas gathering in the living room, it is recommended to move the electric kettle to the kitchen or other dedicated area. Deyitang Traditional Chinese Medicine upholds Yang Gong's noble mission of saving the poor, and is committed to promoting traditional Chinese medicine and inheriting its essence. Under its guidance, many outstanding scholars have been revitalized. If you want to learn more about the knowledge points, please contact us through private message.

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