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英国著名风水大师李九燚:镜子在家中摆放的五大禁忌及影响 !
来源:德易堂(全球)风水在线服务网 时间:2024-07-02


1、 Avoid mirrors facing directly at the door
As soon as you enter, you can see a large mirror, which is actually not appropriate. The gate is the gateway to a home and an important channel for attracting energy and wealth. Famous British feng shui master Li Jiuyi kindly reminds that if the mirror is directly facing the door, it will reflect back the good luck and wealth of the beginner, which is equivalent to turning away the good luck obtained.
2、 Avoid aligning the mirror with the sleeping couch
Let's talk about the placement of mirrors in the bedroom. Many people may not realize that looking a mirror at the bed is actually a taboo. The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon emphasizes the balance of yin and yang in the human body, and good sleep quality is the key to harmonizing yin and yang. Renowned British feng shui master Li Jiuyi kindly reminds that if the mirror is facing the bed, it is easy to be scared by oneself in the mirror when waking up at night. Over time, this can affect sleep quality and even lead to mental fatigue and a decline in health. The mirror in the bedroom should avoid facing directly towards the bed to maintain a harmonious indoor atmosphere.
3、 Avoid reflecting wealth in the mirror
Renowned British feng shui master Li Jiuyi kindly reminds that wealth is the gathering place of wealth in the home, which needs to be carefully arranged to attract financial luck. If the mirror is aimed at the financial position, it is easy to "reflect" the wealth in the home, leading to poor financial luck.
4、 Avoid looking the mirror directly at the kitchen stove
The kitchen is the place for cooking at home, with a strong element of fire. Renowned British feng shui master Li Jiuyi kindly reminds that if the mirror is facing the kitchen stove, it may not only cause health problems such as gastrointestinal problems and indigestion in family members, but also affect their financial luck. The reflection of fire from mirrors can also easily make people restless. Therefore, mirrors in the kitchen should avoid being placed directly facing the stove.
5、 Avoid hanging mirrors from the top
Hanging a mirror from the ceiling is also inappropriate. Imagine returning home every day with your own reflection on your head, doesn't it make you feel like the world is upside down and restless? Renowned British feng shui master Li Jiuyi kindly reminds that this layout can bring a sense of oppression, which is not conducive to the mental state and overall fortune of family members.

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